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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Frame your ideas

Don't think of an elephant. The author of this book, while a liberal; the ideas discussed here are for any one interested in communicating effectively. He discusses how to frame your ideas and facts so that people can digest it. He talks about how setting the context, making sure the ideas are palatable to people's existing frame of mind is critical in ensuring in winning them over. He sites numerous examples of how republicans do it very well and democrats bungle it.

This is a thought that many in the sales field have spoken to me about. They tell me how framing is critical in putting you on the offensive and the competition on the defensive, how it makes the competition compete on your terms rather than their terms, how the client will start looking at the different products through the prism you provide, giving you an edge.

The author says that when there is a conflict between an existing frame in people's mind and truth, it is truth that loses. A fact that could not be stressed enough in our business life. We all need to be aware that people were punished and burned for saying the earth goes around the sun. When you try to throw facts at people and they are not ready to catch it, tough luck. They will drop what you say and keep the gloves that does not fit what you just threw at them. George Lakoff talks eloquently on this concept in his book.


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