Freakonimics blog about pilotless airplanes:
"my feeling is that so many passengers are so skittish about flying that one of their greatest comforts is the thought that, Well, the pilots don’t want to die either. Once that comfort is removed, would people still be willing to get on the plane?"The parallel I see here is in the open source software development world. Most of the very successful open source projects - Linux, Firefox, Eclipse - have one thing in common - the builders of the products are extensive users of the same. This creates a strong motivation to make the products good. I strongly believe it is imperative for a builder to also be a user for that product to be excellent. User empathy. Having said that, I am not sure how pet food or products are well made. I mean, the maker cannot use it. The theory blows here.
Extending this to the pilotless airplane, by having the pilot sit outside the airplane, the motivation to fly the plane safe is kinda of lost. Yes the pilot, no matter where he or she is sitting, is going to be doing his job in a professional manner. Yet, the decisions one has to take would change during emergency depending on what is at stake.