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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Out here to make a living, live a life and leave a mark.

Friday, September 08, 2006


I think the most effective solutions are "duh" ideas brought out at the right time at the right place for the right problem. People try to come up with all sorts of complicated solutions for the problem. To make a sweeping generalization statement, people dont take the time to understand the probem. They think the problem requires a complicated solution, assuming if there was a simple solution, someone would have already figured that out.

No. Solving something should not be about the solution It should be about the problem. Understand the problem. Trying existing simple solutions to fit the problem. See what existing techniques, tools, algorithms can bring to the table. The objective is to solve a problem. Not find a solution.

In fact, its my strong opinion that research is about finding problems, not finding solutions. Identify a clear problem and its easy to come up with a solution. Think about it. We come up with a solution and then discover that the solution does'nt work well. Why? Not because the solution is bad. Its because the solution dint fit the problem. There is probably a different problem that could have used this solution. So, what we did was went and found a solution to the wrong problem.

Thats why identifying and understanding the problem is so important. Discover problems. Finding solutions then becomes an easy task.

Inspired by http://headrush.typepad.com/creating_passionate_users/2006/09/why_duh_isnt.html


Blogger Arvind Ramachandran said...

hey dna,
how r u? howz life?

11:34 AM  

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