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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Yet another election post

The election is over and there will be no change of guard at the White House. One thing that I observed with amazement was the effect of religion on the outcome. Religion proved to be the most important factor. I am also referring to factors like abortion, gay marriage, gun control. Yes all along we thought war, terrorism, economy, jobs, out sourcing were going to be the main influencers. But what happened? Things that we thought were supposed to affect the people on an everyday basis were sidelined by factors that affects only a small section of the population, by factors that would really not matter in the daily life of people. Does it mean the voters had their priorities wrong? Nope. Their priorities were different from what I thought would be. I would have based my vote on who would do the most for the economy. Someone whose policies would reduce uncertainties and increase the confidence level of the people. It would be stupid on my part to assume that it would be the same with everyone. While religion is important to me, its not the factor dictating my everyday life. To some, the economy, security etc are taken for granted and its the religion that dictates their everyday life. Certain things that are of no concern to us, can be a stomach churning thought to the religious right.

The farmer in Kentucky, people in heartland america, felt someone who is religious, who understands their faith and would not allow people do whatever they like, instead would, as would be expected out of a good leader, stop people from doing wrong thing, things that appear wrong in their eyes, issues like gay marriage, abortion, etc. Now does that sound more logical? The mechanism is the same. The weightage different. We would expect our leader to stand up against people who cheat, murder, etc. We see these acts as wrong. Similarly the conservatives see actions not encouraged by their religion as wrong and want their leader to take a stance against it. Instead, the so called flag bearers of the liberals forgot there existed such issues. Never fully evaluated the import of such issues in the minds and lives of people.

What does it tell us? No matter how much we wish or hope, religion will continue to remain part of the equation with a heavy coefficient. All around, we find religion to be a great unifying and dividing people. Religion is as much part of our life as work, food, entertainment, family. Of course, some would sleep through movies not caring for it, not even VKanth in Gajendra. Some eat whatever is set before them, even if others get food poisoning coz of the same stuff.(Resemblance to real person purely incidental.). Similarly, some people don't care about religion. But to the rest, it is as important as anything else. Yet the so called progressive liberals and forward thinking seem to think religion will not be a critical dictate. To me, that seems the problem. Trivializing stuff based on our own priorities with the least regard for what others think about it.

I feel religion, no matter what, no matter where in the world, will continue to grab the attention of the voters and the liberals need to acknowledge it and take a strong stance. Feel lot are not comfortable enough to be governed by someone who religious ideas are in direct conflict with theirs, no matter how good or bad he or she may in other aspects.


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