dna's corner

My ramblings. My thoughts. Your feedback. Your thoughts. Simple.

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Out here to make a living, live a life and leave a mark.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Bad day out

Minneapolis. Minnesota. A place synonymous with bad weather. Temperature goes up to 110 F in summer. Goes down to -40 F in winter. Probably this is what they call a swing - one extreme to an other. Kicked my roommate and my two neighbours out of bed to take them on a nice drive, but brought them back disappointed. Don't blame me. Weather played spoil sport. Intended to canoe. The river was rough and I was weak hearted. I would rather not risk going 'down the river'. I might as well have my chances of becoming 'a brave guy who saved a beutiful damsel from the clutches of a violent river and lived happily ever after' go down the drain. Warm in the morning. Nice drizzle by noon. Windy and pouring in the evening. Poor thing. The harder it tries, the more I fall in love with it. When I say I love the weather at Minneapolis, people ask if I am crazy in different ways : 'Are you serious?'. 'Do you really mean what you say?' 'Are you a thick skinned animal?'. To all, I have just one answer: Its all in the mind (and the jacket and the necessity to stay here and the state of health ). We all complain and crib a lot about lots of things. Its one way of getting things done. Kids do it on the way to the shop but keep their mouth shut on the way back. They know when it helps to cry and when it does not. As grown ups, we miss that point a lot of times. Complaining about the weather will not convince the weather to be better. Will it? Here I am complaining that people complain about weather fully aware people will not stop complaining about it. Why am I complaining about things that cannot be changed? To those who ask me 'Will you ever grow up?' - that's a hint.


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